I enjoyed today’s walk in the October weather. There was a bit of a wind, the leaves are turning yellow, gold and red and being blown in the wind. It was cloudy, so not so very bright, but no rain either. Today’s walk took about one hour. My two walking companions today were my husband and my son.
This walk is suitable for anyone. One could park closer to the gravel road than we did, but there were few cars on the asphalted road along the lake. There were no steep climbs and few muddy areas.
I made a decision a while ago to buy locally produced food when it was conveniently available at a competitive price. I don’t buy everything that might be available as it must be things that we use.
Two of the products that are produced on local farms in our neighbourhood are eggs and milk.
I started buying eggs quite a while ago now. It is a short walk up to the neighbouring farm. We get 30 eggs at a time and we can also buy double-yoked eggs or cracked eggs at differing prices. I buy just the regular eggs.
In addition to eggs, I can also get cucumbers at the egg farm, though the cucumbers are produced at another farm in Inderøy. Though I don’t purchase it, I can also buy honey here, produced by the farmer’s wife. I find their price a bit high, so have only purchased it once.
I also buy my whole milk in a bottle at a farm that is just a little bit farther away, but still within walking distance. I usually get two liters of milk at a time. One pays a deposit on the bottle on the first purchase and after that one returns the empty bottle and only pays for the milk itself.
In both cases I use a small backpack to carry home the food. Eggs are put into 12-egg cartons which nicely fit in the backpack. Two or three liters of milk also fit nicely into the backpack, though not both eggs and milk at the same time.
To pay for what I purchase, I can use my telephone to send the money while I am at the farm. No invoices or delayed payment. I pay when I take the food. I often meet the farmers and it is nice to chat to them for a few minutes.
This is one way that I can contribute to farmers trying out new marketing ideas.
When I was small, we got milk delivered in one-quart milk bottles on the back steps. It would have been pasteurized but not homogenized. I remember the cream rising to the top of the bottle.
There are no guarantees that my memories are actually correct. I think we got milk delivered every other day. My mom would put the empty milk bottles on the back porch and they would be replaced with full ones during the morning. I remember there being a calendar in the kitchen which showed which days we would get delivery.
How was the milk paid for? I’m not sure about that as it was during elementary school years that milk delivery stopped. I think my mom bought tokens of some sort, that were put in the empty milk bottles to show that the milk was prepaid. The milkman would come to the door, probably once a month or so, to sell more tokens. A lot of that is guesswork.
I also have vague memories of an icebox on the back porch, before we got a refrigerator. We probably got our first refrigerator in the early 1950s, before I started school. Home delivery of milk slowly disappeared as people got refrigerators and could store the milk longer at home. The rise of supermarkets where one bought all kinds of food items, including milk, would also have contributed to the disappearance of home milk delivery.
The interesting thing that prompts this memory is that I am now buying milk in a glass bottle. I have a 20 minute walk up to a local dairy farm. I paid a deposit for the bottles on my first purchase and now I just pay for the milk I buy each time. In Norway there is a digital payment system called Vipps that I can use to pay for the milk each time I pick it up.
Again the milk is pasteurized but not homogenized and the cream rises to the top. I don’t use the cream, but just shake the milk so it gets distributed in the milk. I notice that the farm is now selling both skimmed milk and cream, so they have expanded their number of products in the last five months. I started becoming a regular user of this milk in April 2020.
There is no home delivery, but I can either drive by the farm when I am out anyway, or it is close enough to get a walk. At the moment they have fresh milk on Mondays and Thursdays. I have three bottles and I buy milk once or twice a week, depending on how much we have used.
It’s over two months since I last wrote a blog, but the summertime is not a time for me to write. Now that we have come to September, I am hoping to get back to writing regularly. I have taken many walks over the summer, so you will get to know some of the other places in Inderøy.
I have a friend that I walk with regularly and today’s walk was a new one for both of us. The starting point is a designated parking area beside the main road between Skarnsund Bridge and Mosvik. The given information indicates that the walk is about 2 km and that one can go around in a circle. We used about 45 minutes on our walk, so we walked more than 2 km. We followed the trail around in a circle and also took one side trail that we decided wasn’t going to take us back to where the car was parked. There were a lot of trails, though I imagine many of the trails are made by the deer and the moose and only some of them have been improved by humans.
The first bit of the trail is quite steep, but it is all under the trees and once one is up about 25-30 meters above sea level, then the rest of the trail is gently up and down. The post itself is about 50 meters above sea level, according to the map I was using.
This is a recommended walk. The steep bit gives one good exercise for the heart and lungs when going up, and the knees when going down. It would not be recommended when it has been raining heavily as the steep bit could be slippery. However, most of the trail is not steep and very enjoyable walking through an older forest.
“Storlia” means “big hill” and so the reason for doing this walk is for the views from the top. One drives part way up the hill and then walks the rest of the way on a trail that is quite steep at times. We were three walking together and everyone was walking at different speeds on the steepest bits. I stop quite often to make sure my heart beat gets back to normal before continuing.
Storlia, according to the map, is 380 meters above sea level, and we have parked at about 140 meters above sea level, giving us still a climb of about 240 meters.
This is a walk I can do from home, but today I joined a friend and got a ride to the public parking place which makes the walk considerably shorter. The weather was warm already at 9 am, so it was nice to not have to do all of the climb to the starting point in the hot sunshine.
The first part of the walk goes around some farm fields and we could see Skarnsund Bridge. Note that we are considerably higher than the level of the bridge. Nice weather and a good view from here.
Ørdal is a farm perched on the edge of Skarnsund. Some of its residents were out in the fields as we passed by. When walking by, one has to be careful not to get between mother and babies, and one should also be careful about where one puts one’s feet. The mothers have bells on them so one can hear them at a distance They usually move away when people approach.
Ørdal Nature Reserve was established in 1992 and its purpose is to preserve a coniferous forest area which is only slightly affected by human activity. It also has a distinctive flora. The area is on a very steep hillside on Skarnsund. The area is shown on the map on the sign.
Among one of the interesting plants that is found in this forest, is a very large rhododendron. The reason for doing the walk at this time of year is to see it in bloom. Some years it has an enormous amount of blooms on it. I felt that this year, it has, just like the one in my garden which is not by any means the same size, very few blooms, but lots of new growth.
The nature trail that starts in Vangshylla goes all the way to Straumen. What can be driven in a car in 12 km, will be 19 km if you decide to walk along the trail. I have never done the whole trail all at once, but I have done most of the trail, in easier portions.
As usual, there is an information board, with a map and some information about things along the trail.
The term “culture trail” (kultursti) indicates that there will be information along the trail, either about the animals or plants that are there, or human buildings that are still there or used to be there. There can be information about how the place got its name. The idea is that you are supposed to learn something as you walk along the trail.
When starting at Vangshylla, the trail first follows a road that goes both to full-time dwellings and cabins that are only occasionally lived in. The trail is considered to be of medium difficulty.
The goal for today’s walk was a shelter that has been there for many years. I have been taking this walk for most of the thirty years that we have lived here. Things have changed during this time, but I continue to enjoy the walk that is partially through these shady woods.
Today’s walk started from the main road to Straumen and was basically uphill the whole way. We started with some fantastic views over Trondheim Fjord toward Verdal and Levanger. We picked a nice evening for our walk, between about 16:30 and 18:00. The temperature was about 17 degrees C.
Though the first bit of the walk follows the road to a farm, we were soon in the trees, so that even though we were climbing uphill, it wasn’t too warm.
Near the top of the trail there was a map which indicated all of the main trails in this part of the municipality. We chose to just head back the way we came as we wanted to get back to our car, but there are lots of possibilities of taking round trips through the woods, especially for those living in the area.
The goal of our walk was a “gapahuk”, which is a little shelter, often built with a view and usually made out of wood. There will be a roof of some sort. They can be very small or quite large. This one had a little iron stove in it and a place to have a fire. It was nice to sit down for a few minutes on the benches and rest after our climb up the hill.
The view was nice too as we had come over the top of a hill (“kammen”) and were looking in a different direction and seeing a different fjord. The word “bråttet”, in the name Oppemsbråttet, means that there is a cliff and very steep downhill.
Being thankful for what I have is actually easy for me. Being aware of what I actually have to be thankful for, can be more challenging. What we have, we take for granted.
I like to thank people for the small services that they do for me, whether it is washing the dishes, or driving me somewhere. I also like to thank people that go for walks with me.
Most important is to actually be thankful for all the little things each day and not get upset when life isn’t perfect and there are things that go wrong. What I need to practice is noticing what I have to be thankful for.
I hope you can find several things to be thankful for.
We still pick one virtue a week, usually on Sunday, but I don’t always get the blog about it written right away. This week’s virtue is one that I feel that I follow quite naturally, though, of course, one can have slip-ups too.
Sincerity means that we mean what we say and say what we mean. We don’t have hidden agendas when talking to others. We don’t lie or tell tall tales to make ourselves look better in other people’s eyes. We are just ourselves, however that may be.
I have one friend who says that as we get older, we get more and more just like we always have been. We become more “ourselves”. I think this is true. Complainers become worse as they grow older. People that are optimistic continue to be optimistic. I hope that my sincerity continues as I grow older. It shouldn’t be any harder now that it was before. I am happy to be myself.