Vennesvatnet, Framverran

On Saturday, the three of us met a couple at Solberg in Mosvik where we parked our cars and walked up to Vennes Lake.

Parking at Solberg means that we have driven up the hill, past quite a few farms. The blue lines on the map are ski trails in the winter, but we were going to take the red line, a trail up to a long, narrow lake.

The walk up to the lake takes about 25 minutes and goes through relatively open grazing areas with both sheep and cows. A lot of the walk is across bogs but a lot of planks have been put out and that made the walking very easy. It has also been a relatively dry summer so even if one stepped off the planks, for example, when meeting someone going in the opposite direction, it was not wet at all.

Crossing Naustmyra on planks
Beside the map, there is some information about the lake. The lake is about 2.1 km long. There is trout and char in the lake but you have to have a fishing licence for Mosvik to go fishing. You may borrow the boats and the life vests, but please put things back where you got them.

The lake is 208 meters above sea level, but most of the height was driven in the car. There is some uphill walking, but nothing at all steep. It was 2 km from the car to the lake.

Vennesvatnet is long and narrow. We have walked 2 km from the parking area.
The picnic area at the lake.

We were probably at the lake for about an hour. Having others than just ourselves to talk to, made the stay at the lake a bit longer than otherwise. There is a very nice picnic area.

We had some unusual visitors, that seem to come in our direction when they heard voices.

There was one dark cow who lead the group. She even waded through the water to come to where we were. The others followed her.
She was very curious and came quite close to us. In the background you can see the brown ones following her lead. There were about six of them altogether.
After a few minutes of staring at us, they moved on and we didn’t see them again.

The fun of going to Vennesvatnet is the availability of boats that can be taken out on the lake. We were five people. Two went out in a canoe and two went out in the row boat.

There is one canoe, one row boat and two kayaks available for anyone coming up to the lake.
Getting a canoe ready to push into the lake.
Two in a canoe.
Then two more decided to take out the row boat. I stayed with our backpacks and telephones and took pictures.
Two in a row boat.

The walk to Vennesvatnet is not a long walk, but it is a fun place to go to when there is something to do when you get there. Another group of three came after us and two girls took out the two kayaks. So the boats seem to be well used.

This is a walk that we usually do once a year.

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