Knitting tip #2 – Using circular needles

When knitting garments with a circular needle, it can be useful to use two or more. I’ve already mentioned using three short double-pointed needles for socks and sleeves.

Here’s another example:

I’ve been knitting a pair of baby overalls. The legs are knit separately first (using the set of three short needles) and are then joined together with some added stitches in between. Because of the nature of the garment, it becomes very difficult to knit in a circle immediately. Therefore I use two circular needles the same size and length and have half of the garment on each needle. You can either use a third needle to knit onto, or just use the other end of the same needle.

This same technique can be used when joining the sleeves and the body of a pullover or cardigan, when making raglan decreases or yoke decreases. It is, of course, sensible to get everything onto one needle after about 5 cm of knitting, but you’ll find out yourself when enough length has been knit to allow you to easily put all on one needle. On a pullover I would have each needle go from the middle of one arm to the middle of the other arm. On a cardigan it works best with three needles, with one front and half of one sleeve on each of two needles and a long needle with the back plus two halves of the sleeves.

This baby jacket is actually on three circular needles – one for each front and half a sleeve as well as a longer one for the back and two half sleeves.

Happy knitting!

What’s for dinner? Color

I remember my mother saying that making dinner wasn’t difficult. What was difficult was deciding what to make. I agree with her.

One of the challenges when deciding what to have for dinner is to create a variety of dishes over the week, or even over a two-week period. I often get in ruts and it is easier to just make the same thing this week as I made last week.

A second challenge is to make the meal nutritious and healthy without using a lot of high calorie foods or using a lot of processed foods. I am also concerned with the salt content in food.

The third challenge is that the dishes should look appetizing and taste good. Even when trying something different, I want to feel that I have made something that was worth repeating. Every now and then I goof, but in general the meals are always edible, even though I may never make it again.

If we look at what makes a meal look appetizing, the first thing I think of is color. There should be a variety of colors and the colors should be a bit bright.

Here’s an example of what I chose to put on a pizza, with yellow, red and green as the main colors.
Here’s what the pizza looked like with the ingredients spread over the dough, before the grated cheese was added. The red is from sliced tomato. The yellow is from pineapple. The green is sliced zucchini and chopped green pepper.

New Year’s Eve’s dinner required two pizzas, so though the same colors were used, the ingredients were slightly different on the second pizza. It is also important to think of taste and what tastes good together, as well as color. When asked, some at the dinner table preferred the one pizza and others preferred the other one. We all have different likes in taste and that is as important as looks.

Ingredients for a second pizza. The mushrooms turn brown when fried. The red pepper gives good color.
The mushrooms were fried before putting on the pizza, as that reduces the water content of them. The zucchini was thinly sliced but used raw. It softens during the time the pizza cooks. The green comes from leek and zucchini. The red was lots of chopped red pepper The whole pizza was covered in grated cheese before being put in the oven.

Knitting tip #1 – Double-pointed knitting needles

Do you ever get frustrated with so many needle ends poking you when you are knitting in a circle on a small garment and using several double-pointed needles? In North America it is common to use a set of four double-pointed needles. In Norway it is common to use a set of five double-pointed needles. This last year I found a different solution which I now use almost exclusively.

The new set of needles are still double-pointed, but there is a flexible wire in the middle of the needle so that one knits on two needles and can join the work in a circle using the third needle to make the next row.

Double-pointed knitting needle set. Note that the two ends of the needle are slightly different, one end being more pointed than the other.
Here I am knitting the leg of a baby outfit. The work is held on two needles and the third one is used to make the next row.
Here is part of the packaging of the needle set that I have purchased. It is manufactured in Germany.

I purchased my first sets in March 2019 after seeing another person using them. I purchased the four sizes that I use the most (2.5 mm, 3 mm, 3.5 mm and 4 mm) and have since used them on socks and sleeves and am now using them for the legs for a baby outfit.

I am happy with my purchase and find that I use my new needles a lot. If there are too many stitches they can fall off the “other” end, but that is primarily getting used to how the needles work. Particularly with sleeves, I would transfer my work onto a circular needle as soon as I have enough stitches to make working on the circular needle function well.

It is always fun to try something new and find that it works better than the old ways.

Reflections at the end of 2019

It is always interesting to look back at what one has actually accomplished during a calendar year. My husband writes an annual letter that is sent out electronically to our friends. While writing this letter he asked me what I had made this year. I usually take a picture of each thing I have either sewn or knit, so we went through my pictures and counted up what I had made. It surprised me that I had actually made so many things. Many were gifts for others (such as sweater, shawls, or toques). Some were for our home (such as curtains or place mats) and other things were clothing items for ourselves (such as shirts, socks, or sweaters).

He also put into the letter what changes had been made to the house this year, such as installing a central vacuum cleaner and installing new inside doors. He had been busy too, even though we both looked at all the things that hadn’t been done yet, especially large projects that had been started but not yet finished.

Sometimes we are too busy looking at what we haven’t done instead of looking at what we have done. It is actually the latter that is most important. For quite a few years now I have been writing a diary. I have even started two separate small books where I write down what has been accomplished on knitting projects and sewing projects, as these sorts of projects often go over several days, weeks or months. Using these books I can see how long a project has taken and they help me plan future projects better.

Though there is an occasional day where I don’t do much at all, by writing down what I have actually done, I see that my day has been full of practical, useful things that keep me a healthy person. I also have a chart that I fill out every day where I note which regular activities have been done. Here are some of the things that I think are important for me to do every day.

  • Working on learning a new language (at the moment Italian) and refreshing my knowledge of French, both using Duolingo (an online language learning website). I have now been working at Duolingo every day for over 1000 days in a row.
  • Working on my craft projects, either sewing or knitting.
  • Reading books, either fiction or non-fiction.
  • Getting exercise, usually by walking, preferably outdoors. When it is dark or the weather is bad, we live in a house where I can walk around in circles indoors.

Other activities that are not daily, but I keep track of are:

  • housework, such as laundry and cleaning
  • social activities outside of the house
  • time spent gardening during that season (basically April to October)

As the start a new year approaches, I realize that I have had a good year in 2019. I have accomplished a lot. I have made things that are visible. I have spent time with others. I am looking forward to another good year in 2020.


When my children were young, about 10 and 4 years old, I came across a book which fascinated me, “The Virtues Guide: a Family Handbook” by Linda Kavelin Popov and Dan Popov, with illustrations by John Kavelin.  I bought the book and when I got home I started reading and have been a fan of the book ever since.

The book is divided into two major sections.  The first section is a guide for parents and shows some “simple ways to bring out the best in our children and ourselves”. In this section the authors have five basic strategies.

Strategy 1:  Recognize the Teachable Moments – A parent is an educator, a teacher, but you have to look out for the right moments to teach lessons.  There are only certain moments when children are open to learning.

Strategy 2:  Speak the Language of the Virtues – Children need to learn positive actions and what to do.  The virtues in the book gives a vocabulary for what is good behaviour and parents need to use these words in their daily conversations.

Strategy 3:  Set Clear Boundaries –  The parent has to set clear boundaries and ground rules which may vary depending on the age of the children.

Strategy 4:  Honor the Spirit – The parent is a guide to his/her child/ren and needs to share skills, family stories, special rituals, etc.  This is also practicing respect for children who are human beings that need to find their place in the world.

Strategy 5:  Offer the Art of Spiritual Companioning – Children have to learn how to make choices and handle their feelings.  It is important for parents to listen and ask the right sorts of questions to help a child figure things out for themselves.

The second section of the book has 52 virtues, one for each week of the year.  For each virtue there is an explanation of what it is, why you should practice it, how to practice it and signs of success.  This section of the book uses the most pages in the book. Some examples of the virtues are cleanliness, confidence, courage, friendliness, trustworthiness, etc.

In addition there are discussion questions, guidelines on how to use the book and some do’s and don’ts about bringing up children.

The original edition of the book, “The Virtues Guide: A Family Handbook” came out in 1991 and we used the edition that came out in 1993. The current edition of the book is called “The Family Virtues Guide” and was published in 1997.

Why am I writing this, so many years later?  One of the ways of using the virtues in the family is to pick one virtue each week and then practice this virtue during the week and become more aware of it.  My husband and I still continue this practice, choosing each Sunday a virtue from a pack of 100 virtue cards. We then try to practice this virtue during the coming week and discuss what we can do to improve our own behaviour.

The world has changed a lot since the 1990s, but the need for the virtues remains the same.  Today you can access information about The Virtues Project at .  I recommend both the book and the website.

The Family Virtues Guide



My dream of being a librarian

In my last two years of high school, I belonged to the library club.  This suited me fine.  I took my lunch to the back room, where we were usually several girls.  This small group, instead of a huge number of people in the school’s lunch room, suited me fine. In my senior year at high school, I got more responsibility for both running the library club and the library itself.

At the time, I decided I would like to become a librarian, which required a bachelor’s degree at university plus one specialized year.  So off to UBC to get my bachelor’s degree, eventually focusing on English and foreign languages (French, German and Italian).  In my fourth year at university, I was starting to get tired of going to school.  It was now my sixteenth year of school.  I had planned to take one more year to get my library degree, but then they changed the one year program to two years.  That I couldn’t take.  So I left UBC with a bachelor’s degree, but no library training.

Fast forward a lot of years.  I have moved to Norway and gotten two children.  I have become a teacher at a high school, but because my son has English as a mother language, and not a foreign language, he gets his mother as his English teacher.  We sit in the library at the elementary school.  Often he must just sit and work on lessons preferably without me hovering over him.  I start working with the books on the shelves, getting them in order, straightening them.  I don’t remember now how it happened, but after a bit I have been asked to look after the school library and it moves into a better, newly built room.  Now I not only am a teacher, but a “librarian” for a small elementary school library.

I have no special training, but the public library in our municipality trains me with their computer system and I start working in the main library part time.  In addition I look after the library in another elementary school, one day a week.  I am officially part of the library staff.

I find that I can take some of the library courses needed for library qualifications as part-time correspondence courses (yes, back in the days when everything was sent by post).  I started working on getting my qualifications, course by course.

Through the librarian at the high school I work with, I hear about a part-time library course for those who are already working in libraries.  I sign up and continue getting my qualifications.  I am enjoying working in several small libraries.  I pass my one-year course, but to get the next level of education I must take travel away from home for a year.  That I am not willing to do!

My dream of becoming a librarian, though it has come true, in a very small way, takes a turn at this point.  Having been a teacher for several years, I make more money being a teacher, than being a librarian.  My salary as a teacher is important for my family’s income, so I drop the idea of becoming a qualified librarian.  I continue working in two small elementary school libraries until my younger child finishes elementary school and then I quit that job.

A few years pass and the situation at my high school changes.  The school now has to buy the textbooks and lend them out to the students.  This is a reform that puts a lot of work on the librarian, and he is not willing to do the work.  My hearing disability is causing me to have problems with large classes, so the principal of my school suggests that as I have some library training and experience, I could take over the work with the textbooks and let the librarian continue with the other parts of the library work.  I agree.

The first few years are difficult.  Rebuilding the school takes away the library, which gets packed up into boxes.  The unused textbooks are put into a room in the cellar.  Though most of the work is at the beginning and end of the school year, there is some work to be done during the rest of the year.

Several years go by.  I get a system that sort of works.  Mostly I am down in the cellar in an environment that is not very good.  I think of it as working in a dungeon.  Eventually the library gets built, a lovely open, bright room and I get to work there too.  I have been given some other things to do, spending one day a week in the library and teaching only part time.

Then the librarian at the school retires and the job as librarian is advertised.  Shall I apply for it?  I think carefully through the issue and decide that I would rather be a teacher than a full-time librarian.  It has been fun to do library work part-time but I would not like to do it full-time.  Teaching is much more rewarding.

At home, we have amassed several thousand books over the years we have been in Norway.  Books in English for the children.  Textbooks for courses we have taken or given.  Fiction for relaxation.  Non-fiction to learn more about many subjects.  Chaos on the shelves.  So I buy a small computer program designed for home libraries, and the work starts at entering all the books we have in the system. This takes several years to complete, but it is nice to have a record on my computer of the books on our shelves.  To date we have 3 428 books in the program.

But times have changed. Most of our new reading material is digital, stored somewhere, and I am no longer in charge of the new acquisitions.  I have retired from the job as home librarian as well.


Welcome to my new blog site.  The old posts have been transferred here, so you can browse back over time as well.

The Fun of Learning

Why should I learn new things at the age of 68?  Let me list the reasons:

  1. It’s fun.
  2. It’s challenging.
  3. It’s rewarding.
  4. It’s useful.

and then explain what I mean.

At the moment, my main learning opportunity is learning new languages.  For many years I have been brushing up my knowledge of French.  Growing up in an English-speaking part of Canada, French was an obligatory language everyone had to learn.  I enjoyed learning French, starting in Grade 8 and continued learning it all the way through high school.  I may not have been great at writing or speaking French, but I enjoyed the classes and got grades a bit above average.  I continued learning French in university, studying it for two more years.  At that point, I found I had reached my limits, partly because I was not particularly good at writing (not even in English), and so discontinued taking more French classes.

I never got to use French much as most of my traveling was done in English-speaking countries or, at least those who had to deal with tourists, spoke enough English for me to get by with English.

Back to university days.  Because I had been thinking of becoming a librarian, it was recommended that one have more than just French as a foreign language.  So in my second year at UBC, I started learning German.  I found that learning the language was fine and even made some new friends in my German classes, girls my age with German-speaking parents.  The German course I remember best was one about the history of German culture, particularly about art, music and architecture.  The course was in English, but I learned a lot of history that I found interesting.  At the time, I was a lover of classical music and I was able to put my favorite composers into a cultural time period and learn more of what was actually going on at the time.  (History had always seemed to be a list of battles, wars, kings and queens to be memorized up to that time and absolutely not interesting.)

In my last year of university, I was needing one more course and decided that taking an introductory course in another language would be easy, give me good grades and be fun.  So I chose Italian and enjoyed learning more about both the language and the culture. A one-year course doesn’t teach a lot, but I did get the good grades I wanted.  Little did I know how all this language learning would pay off later.

The years flew by and I never used these three foreign languages much at all.  Until 1980, when my husband and I made the decision to move to Norway. Now all my efforts at learning new languages in the past gave me great benefits when I had to start learning a fourth foreign language.  On our arrival in Norway, I was enrolled in a full-time weaving course, so I bought an English-Norwegian dictionary and worked on translating the textbooks in the evening.  In the daytime there were other students to listen to and to talk to.  Slowly I mastered another language other than English, certainly to a much better degree than I had ever mastered French, German or Italian.

After about two years, I could converse in and read Norwegian without getting exhausted.  One is never finished learning a language as vocabulary is constantly changing, interests change and new areas of information arise.  I continued to study in Norway, eventually had children and got a teaching job.  My languages from university days lay idle in my brain, stored away in some deep dark recess.

Then my husband came across “Memrise” and I started relearning French vocabulary. It wasn’t very satisfactory as it was just a list of vocabulary to memorize and the words were not used in context.  Then we discovered “Duolingo” and I was hooked. Since the 1st of January 2015 I have been active most days.  Sometimes I do a little.  Sometimes I do a lot.  I still enjoy learning languages though the next step will be to use my knowledge more.

What makes it fun for me?

I enjoy learning new things.  I like to read books where I can learn about what is happening in the world, or what new research is about.  I like to watch television programs that try to teach me about something that I don’t know a lot about.  Most of the time it is just putting two and two together, seeing if the sum is still four, or does it now make three or five.  One learns new things by adding on to the knowledge one has already.  I don’t necessarily want to learn about everything in the world, but in fields such as psychology and economics I enjoy finding new ways of looking at the world and putting old ideas together in new ways.

Why is it challenging?

Anything that one has to work with over time can pose a challenge, especially when new ideas can be hard to understand.  I am currently working on learning three languages, French, Italian and Portuguese, which have very similar vocabulary and grammar.  The challenge is not only understanding what I read, but also keeping the three languages separate.  Part of the challenge of these three languages are the accents that are put on letters that I am used to in English.  The accents give information about how a word is pronounced, but it can be confusing when è in Italian means “is” and the equivalent word in Portuguese is é.

What makes it rewarding for me?

We all enjoy accomplishing something that is challenging. I like the routine of working on lessons everyday.  When I actually understand something that a few months ago I had problems with, then I feel like I am getting somewhere. Duolingo also builds into its program rewards such as how many days in a row I have worked on Duolingo (now 383 days in a row), earn extra rewards (called lingots) for accomplishing a series of lessons.

Why is it useful?

Learning new things creates new synapses in the brain.  The more of these synapses we have, the easier the brain can deal with debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

I have also found that by learning Italian, words in English have more meaning.  For example, in music we have scales, which comes from the Italian word “scala” meaning a ladder.  The scales in English are a ladder up the notes on the piano.

Though at the moment, I am not traveling a lot, it can be useful to know other languages on the Internet and when reading novels.  Just recently I read a book about a young family in Rome for a year.  When the author used Italian phrases, I could understand what the phrases meant.

I will continue learning all of my life. It is fun, challenging, rewarding and useful.

Thinking and how our brains work

In 1968 I took an introductory psychology course and felt that I got an idea of what the subject was all about.  I went on and studied other things and didn’t follow the developments happening there. Then in the last ten years, I found the field of psychology again and have had more time to read about what the new research has been telling us, including how we make decisions and how our brains work.  I have enjoyed being able to read the authors listed below and have widened my understanding of how human beings work.

I am a retired teacher and first took pedagogy in the mid 1980s.  In 2014, I took a short pedagogy course, designed for teaching mathematics, mostly at elementary or junior high levels.  What I enjoyed most, was reading about everything that was new in pedagogy.  I found out that quite a bit of research had been done in the previous ten years, and things had been discovered that were unknown when I took pedagogy in the 1980s. So this encouraged me to read more about psychology.

In the field of psychology, new methods of “seeing” how the brain works have been found.  A lot of research has been done and I’m finding it interesting to read about the results of this research.  I hope that new teachers will get the benefit of this new research, both in pedagogy and psychology, and be able to help children learn better.  I also hope that the research will continue, both in psychology and pedagogy as there is still a lot more that can be learned. One main reflection I have is that the more science finds out about how humans work, the more complex the systems become.

Here is a list of some of the books that I have read and, in my opinion, the key ideas in each book.

Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 2011 – Over many years, Kahnemann and Amos Tversky looked at how people made decisions.  They figured out that we think in two different ways.  We often use heuristics or habit to make quick decisions that require little thinking effort. We use this type of thinking when driving a car and to do things automatically. This way of thinking can often lead to errors, but it is still useful and saves us a lot of effort.  When learning new things, we think slowly, but this requires much more effort. For example, when learning to drive one has to think a lot about how to keep track of both what others are doing and what one is doing oneself with hands and feet.  In addition these two men realized that we most often will try to avoid a loss, rather than make a gain.  I recommend this book highly.

Rolf Dobelli, The Art of Thinking Clearly:  Better Thinking, Better Decision, 2011 – Here is a list of the most common heuristics. Dobelli lists 99 of them and gives examples of how these biases mislead us. He also shows us how they are interrelated.  This book is quick to read and a good reminder of how we don’t always think correctly. He also tries to show us how to avoid getting caught in heuristic traps.

Gerd Gigerenzer, Risk Savvy:  How to Make Good Decisions, 2013 and Gut Feelings:  The Intelligence of the Unconscious, 2007 – I found this author very interesting to read.  Our gut feelings are how we use heuristics to make decisions more quickly, instead of reasoning through everything in detail. He also points out that checklists can be crucial in situations where it is easy to hop over a critical step. These two books will help you understand more about how we think, or don’t, and how to be better at making decisions.

Andrew Shtulman, Scienceblind:  Why Our Intuitive Theories About the World are So Often Wrong, 2017 – Shtulman has several examples of how people think wrongly about things that have been proven by science. We develop a view of the world as children and even well-educated people will have the wrong view of the world as adults. It can be very difficult for people to change the way they learned to see the world as children.  It also explains why it can be so hard to convince others of things one feels sure that science has proved. I found this book very interesting to read and made me think about my own views of the way the world works.

Carol S. Dweck, Mindset, How You Can Fulfil Your Potential, 2006 – I found this author difficult to read as she used the word “I” a bit too much.  However, her main idea is important.  The way we think about our abilities, whether they are set for life or whether we have the potential to grow, in other words, our mindset, influences how well we get on in life.  Having a growth mindset allows a person to learn new things and take on new challenges.

Cordelia Fine, A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives, 2005, David Eagleman, Incognito:  The Secret Lives of the Brain, 2011 and Dean Burnett, The Idiot Brain: A Neuroscientist Explains What Your Head is Really Up To, 2016 – These three books show how the brain seems to work, independent of the person that is housing it.  It can be a bit disturbing to find out that you aren’t really in charge of what the brain does.  But I think it is important to realize what our brain is doing for us, both the things we expect it to do, such as keep our heart beating and our lungs breathing, and also making decisions on what we see from the impulses that come in through our eyes.

There are a lot more books available on these topics, but these are the ones that I have read recently and found worthwhile reading.  I think it is useful for us to be more aware of how we think, how we make our decisions and perhaps how we can use our knowledge to do better in our lives and help others.

Living in a welfare state

Meik Wiking lives in Denmark, a country that is often rated with the happiest people.  In his book, The Little Book of Hygge, he tries to give examples of how the Danes keep themselves happy.  He mentions, but doesn’t go into, how living in a welfare state makes people happy.

“Interestingly, there is wide support for the welfare state.  The support stems from an awareness of the fact that the welfare model turns our collective wealth into well-being.  We are not paying taxes, we are investing in our society.  We are purchasing quality of life.  The key to understanding the high levels of well-being in Denmark is the welfare model’s ability to reduce risk, uncertainty and anxiety among its citizens and to prevent extreme unhappiness.” (Meik Wiking, The Little Book of Hygge, Penguin 2016, p. 13)

This small comment in a book made me pursue these thoughts. Over the years I have read many books and watched many talks that indicate that living in a more equal society is good for everyone.

Helen Pearson gave a talk at TED2017 where she discusses how to bring up children. “I came across a little secret that we have in Britain. It’s helped me become more confident about how I bring up my own children, and it’s revealed a lot about how we as a society can help all children.” (

What is the secret that she is talking about? Choose your parents very carefully; don’t be born into a poor or struggling family.  But of course, we don’t actually choose our parents, so what can be done about this? She goes on to discuss  how parental interaction with their children (listening to them, reading to them, doing things with them) influences whether the children do well when they are grown up.  But what about children who are unlucky and grow up in home that is not supportive?  Why should a child suffer because they weren’t able to choose the right parents?

We all have basic human needs that need to be satisfied, which include food, housing, clothing and social relationships. Most people in Europe and North America can no longer grow enough food to feed themselves and their family. This means that people must buy their food. The same goes for clothing and housing.

But where does the money come from?  Many people have jobs that give them enough income to cover their needs and a lot more.  But what about those who can’t work, for whatever reason?  I was just reading a book about raising children and  the author commented that children will do as well as they can and that they prefer to do well. I would also like to propose that people want to have a job and support themselves, if they can find a job that suits them.

Not everyone is born with the same advantages, as Helen Pearson tells us.  I know people who have been born with poor health and have had great problems holding down a full-time job, not because they don’t want to, but because they don’t have the stamina for a full-time job.  Some people are born handicapped, perhaps poor eye-sight, poor hearing or an inability to do intellectual work. People with manual jobs may get poor health early in life.  These are the people that a welfare state can help.

In economic terms, there have been studies done that show that if everyone gets a basic income, those who can work, will work.  This basic income can provide a buffer, so that it is easier to change jobs, take time off work to have children, to look after oneself and at least work part-time.  Some people need a helping hand over a longer period of time, others for only a short time.

What happens to the money that the state gives to those who receive pensions, basic income or temporary support?  People spend the money.  The money gets recycled into the national economic system.  Some of the money goes to buying goods such as food and clothing.  Some of the money will go to renting housing or buying one’s own place.  Much of the money gets recycled via various types of taxes so that some of the money ends up back in the government’s coffers.

What are the benefits of the welfare state?  The main benefit is that there is a safety net available for everyone.  If something goes wrong, you won’t starve to death.  If you lose your job, you can get unemployment income while you look for a new job.  If you get sick, your medical bills are paid.  If you have a child that has a disability and needs full-time care at home, you will get a basic income so that one parent can be at home with the child.  Education is free so that children from disadvantaged homes can also get an education that suits them, whether it is a trade education or an academic education. These are just a few examples.

In their book, The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone, (Penguin 2010), Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett document that the costs of inequality in a country include poorer mental health, higher drug use, lower life expectancy, more obesity, teenage births, more violence and lower social mobility. Countries that are welfare states are more equal.  They even out these inequalities and everyone has a better life.  One only has to look at the news about shootings at schools in the USA to realize that the inequality there is hurting everyone.

I live in Norway, which like Denmark, is a welfare state.  I pay my taxes willingly, knowing that when I need to get help, help is there to be gotten.