We still pick one virtue a week, usually on Sunday, but I don’t always get the blog about it written right away. This week’s virtue is one that I feel that I follow quite naturally, though, of course, one can have slip-ups too.
Sincerity means that we mean what we say and say what we mean. We don’t have hidden agendas when talking to others. We don’t lie or tell tall tales to make ourselves look better in other people’s eyes. We are just ourselves, however that may be.
I have one friend who says that as we get older, we get more and more just like we always have been. We become more “ourselves”. I think this is true. Complainers become worse as they grow older. People that are optimistic continue to be optimistic. I hope that my sincerity continues as I grow older. It shouldn’t be any harder now that it was before. I am happy to be myself.