We spent six days in Belfast from the 23rd of July to the 28th of July. The train trip from Dublin took two hours and we stayed in a guest house. We had no relatives or people to visit here, so were completely on our own for sightseeing.

This was a time of relative peace in Belfast so the city itself was relatively quiet. We explored the city but also took trips out of the city.
I remember taking the local bus to Bangor, which is 20 km to the east of Belfast and on the sea. We walked around the town center and down to the boat harbor. We had heard about the place from Audrey who had spent a week with her family there. One comment in a letter was that it was windy and therefore cool.

Audrey and her family came here for a week’s holiday. They were always interested in sailing.
I also remember climbing Cave Hill on the outskirts of Belfast, so that we were looking down over the city. It was a nice climb up and quite open countryside looking down over the city.
We took two bus trips. The first one was to Portrush on the northern coast and the Giant’s Causeway, just outside of Portrush. Here we could see across to Scotland. I found the Giant’s Causeway very interesting and enjoyed scrambling around on the rocks.
The second bus trip was to the Mourne Mountains which are to the south of Belfast, but still in Northern Ireland. According to the letters, this wasn’t a very exciting trip, but we would have seen a slightly different type of scenery.
We left Belfast in the evening, taking an overnight ferry to Glasgow, sleeping in a large dormitory.