Faithfulness is not inherently difficult for me. However there can be situations which test our ability to stay strong and not give in, either to doing things the easy way or to giving in to bad temper.
I hope that I am strong enough to get through this week’s tests.

“Faithfulness is being loyal to our beliefs, remaining firm and steadfast regardless of what happens. When our faith is tested, we stay strong, and learn from the experience. We do our work with meticulous care and excellence, faithful to its true intent. With the people we love, we are abiding and trustworthy. They know we will not abandon them or violate the sacred trust between us. Faithfulness through the changes and tests of time is a sign of lasting love. Faithful friendship is one of life’s greatest treasures.”
When I practice Faithfulness, I:
- am committed to my beliefs
- seek the lessons in difficulties
- give my work the care it deserves
- stand by my friends and loved ones
- have abiding relationships
- cherish my friendships.
Yes, faithfulness is important – most of the time. The most important form of faithfulness is to one’s own personal belief system, not that of others.
It is especially important not to be blinded by others, who may not be faithful themselves, but attempt to manipulate others by using faith and faithfulness as a mantra.
Unfortunately, not everyone can be trusted. That is why faith in one’s self is so important.