My daughter has just given me this book and asked me to write in it. My first response was that I had wanted to write some of my memories in this weblog. My second response was how interesting the questions in the book are, as they make one think about different aspects of the past.
I have decided to hand-write in the book periodically, but also to put some of my memories in this series of blogs.
I have often thought about writing down some of my memories. As I got older I would have liked to know more about my own parents’ lives . Unfortunately we lived far from each other and communication wan’t nearly as easy thirty years ago as it is today with the internet. I think this book will help me write down memories that are worth sharing with the younger generation.
One of the reasons that relating memories can be important is to show how things were done differently in the past. In addition, I grew up in a big city with lots of other children to play with while my children grew up out in the country with few playmates close by. My experiences are not their experiences. Relating some of my memories may help them understand how I came to be the person I am.