High water topped at 12:30 today and 386 cm, so almost 20 cm higher than yesterday. Today there wasn’t so much wind, so no particular wave action on the breakwater. On the other hand, it was raining a lot and more difficult to get good pictures.

I was surprised to see men out on the breakwater fishing. They were wading through the water and standing on the table. Two more fishermen arrived while I was taking pictures. I felt that it is a bit dangerous to be on the breakwater when the tide is so high and with more than four meters of water on the inside of the breakwater. I wonder if the fish bite better at high tide. I’m not an experienced fisher so I don’t have the answer to the question. My fishing is done in the freezer department in the food store.
Tomorrow the forecast is for the tide to be even higher still, and hopefully the weather is better to get even more pictures. I’m using data from www.kartverket.no/sehavnivå. The measurements are taken in Trondheim and adjusted for us living farther in the fjord. Time difference is calculated at 0 minutes and height difference at 1.04. It can be noted that the low tides are also 50-70 higher than the tide tables.