Back in the 1990s we learned about the Virtues Project and every Sunday we pick a virtue to practice for the upcoming week. This week we picked Moderation.
What does Moderation mean for me at this point in my life? We have just finished a holiday season, with too much eating and too little exercise. I am choosing to practice moderation this week by being moderate in my consumption of food and drink. Meal portions need to be the right size so that I have the energy I need to work, but not so large that I put on weight. Caffeine is an addiction and I want to restrict the amount of caffeine drinks that I consume each day. Water is a healthier drink when I’m thirsty. I set myself a goal and I stick to it.
I also need to make sure that I get a moderate amount of exercise, whether it is going for walks outside, or just making sure I get up off the sofa and do some housework.
Moderation means not overdoing things whatever one chooses to spend time on. The day should have a mixture of activities, that include time alone, but also time with others. There should be a mixture of work activities and play activities. There should be time for relaxation as well as serious activities.

“Moderation is the silken thread running through the pearl chain of all virtues.” Joseph Hall
Moderation is being content with enough. It is using self-discipline to create a healthy balance between work, rest, reflection and play. Moderation protects us from the pull of addictive desires. We do not grasp to do or have more in the belief that we are lacking. We do not try to be everything to everyone. We set healthy boundaries that value our time and energy. We protect ourselves from the stress of overdoing. We discern our own perfect rhythm. Moderation isn’t deprivation. It is loving ourselves enough to choose what is just right.
The Practice of Moderation means that:
- I spend my time and energy sustainable.
- I remember to pray and to play.
- I am free of addictions.
- I carry responsibility wisely.
- I protect myself from the stress of excess.
- I live gently and gracefully.