There are many ways to reach out to others in these days of keeping a distance from others. Human beings need social contact on a regular basis. Even if you live with others, you need social contact with others outside your own household.
Friendliness and companionship go together, whether we are in person, use the telephone or chat with others online. We need someone to share our worries with and our joys with. We need someone to laugh with and to cry with. We may do different things with different friends.
I have three friends that I interact with in different ways.
I have one friend whom I go walking with regularly, usually on a Wednesday. For me it is important to talk in Norwegian and to listen to Norwegian, as well as get the exercise of walking for an hour or more.
I have another friend whom I can share problems with and can discuss important subjects deeply. She has a wisdom that comes from a different background than I have. We share the joy of knitting and can help each other out with knitting problems or deciding on patterns.
I have a third friend whom I mostly have contact with by chatting online. We share what we have done on a daily basis. By recounting what I have done, I usually find out that I have done a lot more than I thought I had. Sometimes we phone each other when the need to tell about what has been happening goes beyond what we are willing to type.
I am going to continue to reach out to these three people as they are necessary for my social well-being. I feel that by reaching out to them, I am also giving them some of the social contact that they need. I hope you also have friends that you can reach out to whether in person, by telephone or online.